
1. I am a male to female transgendered person. If the whole subject of transgenderism grosses you out, please do not continue to follow this blog. Eventually there will be pictures and discussions about men dressing as women and going out in public. If you are offended by this subject, I suggest you search again.
2. Cyberbullying and harassment of any sort will not be tolerated. Any posts that harass transgenders or any other member of the LGBT community (including their significant others) will be immediately deleted and the violator removed from the blog. NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. There are no pictures or stories of a sexual nature on this blog. If you are looking for this kind of a blog, please look elsewhere.
4. Anyone is welcome to follow my blog, and much like an equal opportunity employer I will not restrict access to anyone based on their race, color, religion, national origin, creed, or especially sexual orientation. We are all equal in my eyes!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day to all of the soldiers who have served in our Armed Forces! My humble thanks to all who have served. It is because of you that I live in a country that allows me to freely express my preferred gender. I am forever greatful.

In honor of this day, I decided to wear a red, white, and blue outfit!

I did not have a lot of time this morning so I could not go everywhere I wanted to go. I went into Tom Thumb to look for something to snack on for breakfast. I could not find anything appetizing so I went to Kroger. I found some donuts and water for breakfast, made my purchase, and headed to the post office. I completely forgot that the post office is closed for Veterans Day, but luckily the one I go to has an automated stamp machine. After purchasing stamps and mailing my letter, I headed to the car wash to change into my drab clothes and go into work. Nothing to talk about after that. Just a boring drive into work in drab.
One thing that I have really noticed (and I made reference to it on my last blog) is how most people do not pay attention to you as long as you do not try to make waves. I was in the stores in 4 inch heels and no one gave me a second glance. I have a theory about that. My theory is that these stores get women in them all the time dressed like I was. They are going to work or coming home from work, and have to stop at the store to pick up some things along the way. Since I was in those stores at roughly the same time some women go in to work, I was not out of place. I did not avoid people, went in, got what I was looking for, paid for it, and left. As long as crossdressers act like they are supposed to be there and are doing nothing suspicious (like avoiding employees at those places--been there, done that), we blend in quite nicely.
My next blog will be next week, as I plan on doing some serious dressing on Monday, Wednesday, and especially Friday.

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